Changing blogging domain and site

Dear blogger friends, Lately, I had a few problems with the Blogger web site for my blog The Content Reader . I took this as a sign that I should finally create a web site of my own. I have been checking out other options, but could not get my act together. Finally, I have managed to create a basic web site with Wix, which I hope will be developed over time.  It has not been easy to find my way around. One thing one can say about Blogger is that it is easy to work with.  This site will no longer be updated Follow me to my new domain @ Hope to see you there.  Lisbeth @ The Content Reader

READ 2022


 4. von Arnim, Elizabeth - Enchanted April
 7. Swift, Deborah - Last Train Home
10. O'Farrell, Maggie - My Lover's Lover


11. de Balzac, Honoré - Ferragus
14. Chatterjee, Dr Rangan - Feel Better in 5
18. De Quincey, Thomas - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
19. Nesser, Håkan - Den sorgsne busschauffören från Alster




43. Nesser, Håkan - Kära Agnes (Dear Agnes my transl.)
45. Malmsten, Bodil - Så gör jag, Konsten att skriva


59. Blom, Tomas - Sturemorden, ett blodigt maktspel


60. Corban, Harlan - The Boy from the Woods
62. Tullberg, Tomas - Sara Lisa von Linné 
64. Skopal, Eric - Hur mycket pengar behöver man egentligen
68. Rosman, Ann - Fyrmästarens dotter ("The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter)
69. Ohlsson, Kristina - Stormvakt
70. Vine, Barbara - A Fatal Inversion


72. Ivesköld, Monica - Redigera framgångsRIKT
76. Runeberg, Johan Ludvig - Fänrik Ståhls sägner (The Tales of Ensign Ståhl)
77. Harrison, Dick - Mordet på Gustav III
78. Coetzee, J.M. - The Childhood of Jesus
79. Håkansson, Håkan (Ed.) - Tycho Brahe och hans tid
80. Lagercrantz, Olof - Dikten om livet på den andra sidan, En bok om Emanuel Swedenborg
82. Walpole, Horace - The Castle of Otranto


83. Beckford, William - Vathek
84. Sansom, C.J. - Dissolution
85. Harrison Lindbergh, Katarina - Nordiska Gudasagor
88. Larm, Victoria - Den nionde kretsen


89. Allende, Isabel - Violeta
91. Turton, Stuart - The Devil and the Dark Water
92. Kvensler, Ulf - Sarek (The Couple's Trip)
93. Cather, Willa - Death Comes to the Archbishop
94. Enquist, Per Olov - Livläkarens besök (The Visit of the Royal Physician)
95. Laws,  Bill - Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History
96. Norrhem, Svante - Christina och Carl Piper, en biografi (NF)


97. Hoffmann, E.T.A. - The Sandman
98. Garai, Indrajit - The Bridge of Little Jeremy
99. Tolstoj, Leo - How Much Land Does A Man Need?
100. Cook, Thomas H. - The Chatham School Affair
101. Kafka, Franz - Metamorphoses
102. Beard, Mary - Gudar och människor (How do we Look? The Eye of Faith)
103. de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine - The Little Prince
104. Schulman, Alex - Malma station (audio book)
105. Bainbridge, Beryl - Master Georgi
106. Nicholl, Charles - The Lodger, Shakespeare on Silver Street
107. Cervenka, Andreas - Girig-Sverige
108. Leskov, Nikolai - Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
109. Krien, Daniela - Kärlek i fem akter (Liebe im Ernstfalle/Love in Five Acts)
110. Blom, K. Arne/Moen, Jan - Skånska stenar berättar (NF)


111. Dougherty, Martin J. - Vikings, A History of the Norse People


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