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November is at an end and time to wrap up the three challenges I participated in this year. Apart from German Literature Month I had a go at Nonfiction November and Novellas in November. German Literature Month is hosted by Lizzy’s Literary Life. It is the first time I participate and I will just have to see how many books I can read. Hopefully, at least one a week, according to the schedule:
Week 1 – First time for everything - The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffmann - gave me a new favourite author.
Week 2 – Second Helpings - I rarely re-read books, but choose Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf. I have not yet finished it, but have a feeling I have already read it. Fits well in other words.
Week 3 – Firm Favourites (Author or Publisher, if stated) - nothing to fit here.
Week 4 – Something Different - Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - can't say I entirely understood this novella, but that happens sometimes.
Week 5: Read as you please / group read (Book 21) - The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr – E T A Hoffmann - wanted to follow this since Hoffmann is the new favourite, but could not find it quick enough. For the future.
I do read German authors from time to time, so I take the opportunity to mention some of the books here. They are all some of my favourite books. Buddenbrooks is at the top. I love Robert Seethaler's 'A Whole Life' such a wonderfully, sensitive book. Stefan Zweig is always a treat, but most of the books here can be recommended.
Fallada, Hans - Alone in Berlin
Handke, Peter - A Sorrow Beyond Dreams: A Life Story (Wunschloses Unglück)
Krien, Daniela - Kärlek i fem akter (Liebe im Ernstfalle/Love in Five Acts)
Mann, Thomas - Buddenbrooks
Mann, Thomas - Death in Venice
Mann, Thomas - Mario and the Magician
Mann, Thomas - Tonio Kröger
Mann, Thomas - Tristan
Neuhaus, Nele - Snow White must die (Schneewittchen muss sterben)
Neuhaus, Nele - Big Bad Wolf (Böser Wolf)
Roth, Joseph - The Radetzky March
Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader
Schlink, Bernhard - Homecoming
Seethaler, Robert - A Whole Life
Sendker, Jan-Philipp - The Art of Hearing Heartbeats
Süskind, Patrick - Parfymen (Das Parfum, The Perfumer)
von Goethe, J.W. - The Sorrow of Young Werther
Von Schirach, Ferdinand - Fallet Collini (Der Fall Collini/The Collini Case)
Zweig, Stefan - Amok
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