End of July and I am going through my challenges for the year to see where I am. I not only promised to read at least 12 books from my TBR list, but I also promised to read around 27 books (some of the are also on my TBR list) during the summer months! Well, here I am for the moment.
As for
Fiction I have so far read the titles in read. It is seven for seven months so there I am up to date.
Five more to read before the end of the year.
Den Inbjudna (L'invitée) by Simone Beauvoir (1943)
Röde Orm - Sjöfarare i västerled by Frans G. Bengtsson (1941)
Röde Orm - Hemma och i österled by Frans G. Bengtsson (1945)
Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad (1900)
Simon och ekarna by Marianne Fredriksson (1985)
Ensam drottning (Lonely Queen) - Sofia Magdalena by Gerd Ribbing (1959)
A Dark-Adapted Eye by Barbara Vine (1986)

Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene (1969)
The Angel Avengers by Isak Dinesen (1946)
Lisbeth by Ragnhild Hallén (1948)
Äcklet (La Nausé) by Jean-Paul Sartre (1938)
It's Not What I Meant by Deborah Tannen (1986)
Non-Fiction part goes very slowly. Probably because most of the books are very thick indeed. Only read one from the list and still on
The Sleepwalkers which I think I haven't read in since March or something. Four more to go...!
The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë by Daphne du Maurier (1960)
Civilization - The West and the Rest by Nial Ferguson (2011)
The Sleepwalkers by Christopher Clark (2013)
Freud - A Life of Our Time by Peter Gay (1988)
Tolkien - Min vän Ronald och hans värld by Arne Zettersten (2008)
However, I have read some books outside the list, of which the first one is Non-Fiction.
Levande 1600-tal (Living 17th century) by Gunnar Wetterberg (2003)
John Dollar by Marianne Wiggins (1989)
The Kreutzer Sonata and other short stories by Leo Tolstoj
Men Without Women by Ernest Hemingway
Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope
Robert Grave's library in Deia |
Then we have my summer reading challenge which also tries to take into account the Challenges. Here are 21 books that I would like to read this summer. The first one about Hemingway I will save until September and a Swedish challenge. I have only read 4 of them, and are reading two of them. If you don't already know I am always on several books at the same time. Take the one the goes with my mood for the moment.
- Ernest Hemingway by Carol Baker
- The Sun Also Rise by Ernest Hemingway
- The Empty Family by Colm Toibin
- The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
- The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley
- The Hand That First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell
- Curry, A Global History by Colleen Taylor Sea - Read
- The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
- The Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco
- The Franchise Affair by Josephine Tey - Read
- The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
- Requiem in Vienna by J. Sydney Jones Read
- The Hired Man by Aminatta Forna
- Tiger by Tash Aw
- The Gift of Rain by Tan Twang Eng
- Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller
- Sacred Hearts (reading)
- Young Werther by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
- Pope Joan by Woolfork Cross
- A Writer's Notebook by Somerset Maugham (reading)
- The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton! Read!

For August, and the Austen Challenge hosted by Lost Generation Reader I have decided to read Emma. I didn't like her last time I tried to read the book. Maybe I am more flexible now? Who knows? Let's see!
Some of the books above will also fit into the History challenge, A Century of Books, Book Beginnings on Friday, Motif Challenge (for links go to my Challenge page.
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