Changing blogging domain and site

Dear blogger friends, Lately, I had a few problems with the Blogger web site for my blog The Content Reader . I took this as a sign that I should finally create a web site of my own. I have been checking out other options, but could not get my act together. Finally, I have managed to create a basic web site with Wix, which I hope will be developed over time.  It has not been easy to find my way around. One thing one can say about Blogger is that it is easy to work with.  This site will no longer be updated Follow me to my new domain @ Hope to see you there.  Lisbeth @ The Content Reader

My One Word meme

Thanks to Brona at Brona's Books I have discovered the My One Word meme hosted by Sheila@Book Journey.  This meme comes at a perfect time for me. The idea is to find one word to represent your new year. Sheila means that "a word can fluctuate - take on new meaning depending on the circumstances, and come out at the end with a whole new meaning then first anticipated." She has been kind enough to link to a list with words, and I think I have found my word for 2017.

... and the word for me will be SPARKLE!

I want to sparkle this year, both for myself and for my projects. I want to think of myself first, to feel good, style myself, gather energy and find a positiveness in life. If I manage that I will be able to give more to my beloveds, family and friends. 2016 was a very busy year, with good things, but it generated a lot of work, and left me rather fatigued and without energy. I hope 2017 will see me make my life and everything around me sparkle. To gather energy and willpower to proceed with my projects and be able to give more to my fellow beings.

I would like to vitalise my blog, maybe change the layout a bit, learn more on the technical side of blogging, write more posts, improve the photography, venture out in the unknown and take myself out of my comfort zone. This will be especially valid for some of my other projects. If I can make myself sparkle, I might be able to develop other areas into sparkling fireworks!

I will set clear goals for 2017.  Yearly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals. Not too big, they should be within reach. Discipline myself, and enjoy the outcomes. In my new sparkly self I see myself with more energy, more power, more determination which hopefully will lead to the fulfilment of my goals.

I want to stop and reflect on things around me. Enjoy nature and walks. Not just rush by, but stop and look around and enjoy all the beautiful things that are there. I am a Pisces and enjoy everything with water. Just listening to water flowing in nature is a treat and like cotton for the soul. We have to find and cherish these rare moments in a busy life.

I happily look forward meeting you all again in 2017. I will comment more on your posts, will get out of my introvert self, sparkle (haha) and be on the way! See you there!


  1. This is such a lovely meme.

    I'm glad you found a word that has special significance for you. Sparkle is the kind of word that brings a smile to everyone's lips! It's a little magic word & sounds perfect for you.
    May you shine & sparkle in 2017!

    1. Thank you Brona. I think too that the word has a little bit of magic in it. Hopefully, it will rub off on me during the year. I hope your year will be graceful and happy.

  2. Some words just sound like what they mean and sparkle is one! I love this word -- it's perfect and I have no doubt you will achieve plenty of sparkle in 2017!

    I'm still working on my word... so many from which to choose but I'd best choose soon!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I felt very good when I saw the word in the list, and I thought it was meant for me. Hope you will find a word to guide you soon.


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