We have been in Växjö, Sweden for some days to visit our son and to do some Christmas shopping.
Absolutely lovely. Weather cold and even the sun shone on us from time to time. The first of Advent is the weekend in Sweden when the Christmas shopping starts. In the old days, that is, when I was a child, the shops used to decorate the windows and people walked around and enjoyed the creativity of the shops. The shops were not open, it was just to look. That is a nice remembrance. Today it is all commercial and the windows look the same all of December!

We managed to buy all our presents, so we were very pleased. I know I promised not to buy any more books, BUT, I could not resists since there was a place where they sold them soooo cheap. My son got a pocket book for student cooking which I think he will enjoy. At least when he realises that it is not that difficult and the variety is good. Two drink books; one how to make wonderful (hopefully) vodka drinks and one book about cocktails. One book by Mo Yan (last year's Nobel prize winner), "Det röda fältet" (
The Red Field). I have not read anything by him so this was a good bargain. Two audio books where the last ones. They are generally rather expensive in Sweden, so when you get one for 3€ that is a
bargain which can not be resisted. Both Swedish authors; one about
Che by Björn Kumm. He is writing/reading out of own experience, having met Che once upon a time. The other one is by Carina Burman, "Hästen från porten" (
The Horse from the Gate). She writes historical fiction and I liked one of her earlier ones. Should be something to enjoy in 2015.
There are a lot of Christmas markets at this time, so it is enjoyable to just walk around and feel the smell of 'glögg', the Swedish hot wine with spices that we love to drink at Christmas. We had a lunch at 'the Castle', Teleborg, just around the corner from the University. Lovely lunch! You get hungry just walking up the stairs!
Teleborg's Castle |
It is a real fairy tale castle and serves today as hotel and restaurant. Well worth a visit.
This is a great Christmas decoration, outside a shop selling wedding dresses! Last but not least two photos from the Cathedral.
Enjoy your Christmas shopping. Now back in Brussels, it is rainy, grey and cold. But the visit inspired me to fetch our Christmas decorations from the attic. So now I am enjoying warm surroundings with electric chandeliers, Christmas star and candles. Time for reflection.
What a lovely way and a lovely place to do some shopping.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the wedding dress. So clever.
Thanks for sharing.